Roll, release and renew

Discover easy self-massage tools to boost mobility, relieve stress and prevent injuries!

Integrate yoga in your sport and life

Recover faster after a workday or workout

Why should you try this?

It’s essential to keep your fascia healthy and hydrated. I can tell you that, thanks to adding myofascial release to my routine, I haven’t had any injuries in years!
It helps keep your body flexible and reduces stiffness, aids faster recovery after a long workday or workout, prevents adhesions in the tissues, and reduces the risk of injury. At the same time, myofascial release helps reset your nervous system, providing a deep relaxation that also improves your sleep quality.
Myofascial release has numerous benefits, and it doesn’t require much time. After this workshop, you’ll be ready to get started, integrating these tools into your daily routine and training.
One thing’s for sure—you’ll leave with deep relaxation, a light feeling, and tools you can start using right away.

For who?

These tools are ideal for athletes, runners, triathletes, CrossFitters, tennis and padel players, and anyone with a desk job who deals with stiffness, tension, stress, or post-exercise aches after a long day at work. No yoga experience required. Whether you want to reduce stress, improve your posture, recover after a workout, or simply feel better in your body, this workshop has benefits for everyone.
Myofascial release helps hydrate the fascia, allowing your body to recover faster after a workday or workout, release stress, reduce stiffness, prevent adhesions and injuries, while also providing a nervous system reset and deep relaxation.

Benefits of Myofascial Release

  • Increases mobility
  • Regulates your nervous system and promotes relaxation, rest, and better sleep
  • Enhances tissue hydration and circulation, preventing adhesions and injuries
  • Reduces DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), helping you recover faster so you can train again sooner
  • Improves body awareness (interoception)
  • Optimizes movement patterns
  • Promotes blood flow

What you will learn

  • Simple, effective tools to release tension in your neck, shoulders, back, and hips using yoga blocks and massage balls
  • Various self-massage techniques, the how and why, and the benefits of each technique
  • How to relieve common pain and prevent injuries
  • How to understand your body better & help yourself more effectively
  • Tips for integrating myofascial release into your sports routine

Yes, count me in!